Pimp My Jokes: Interactive Standup Comedy Mondays at Suess war gestern
Süss. War Gestern Wühlischstr. 43, BerlinWeek of Events
Pimp My Jokes: Interactive Standup Comedy Mondays at Suess war gestern
Pimp My Jokes: Interactive Standup Comedy Mondays at Suess war gestern
Standup on Mondays with 4 experienced comedians. Sets in the 1st half, brand new jokes workshopped in the 2nd half. Anna's favourite comedians bring their best ideas and riff on them with you to pimp them into banging jokes or dump them at the scrapyard. Every Monday at Suess war gestern Entry: FREE Doors 8:00pm…
Anna Beros – Creampie Curious Standup Comedy Solo LIVE TAPING
Anna Beros – Creampie Curious Standup Comedy Solo LIVE TAPING
Be part of the audience for the 2nd last live show and taping of Creampie Curious! Romping through the feats, fiascos and fluids of her 30s from Melbourne to Berlin, Anna celebrates nasty sex with manners, German empathy and non-judgemental feminism. A brutally honest, punchy stand-up journey weaving cosy audience interactions with thorny themes. Sex…
Back Door Comedy: Curated Standup Open Mic Tuesdays 8pm Xberg
Back Door Comedy: Curated Standup Open Mic Tuesdays 8pm Xberg
Like your standup intimate, tight and filthy? Sneak into the back room of Mysliwska on Schlesi, Kreuzberg's OG dive bar, for a tight comedy night by Anna Beros with local and international comedians. **19 Nov, 26 Nov shows run 21:30-22:30 due to Live Taping of Creampie Curious - come!** Doors: 20:00 Show: 20:30 Break: 21:20-21:35…
After Party Comedy: Berlin’s tightest openest Standup Open Mic Sundays 6pm Friedrichshain
After Party Comedy: Berlin’s tightest openest Standup Open Mic Sundays 6pm Friedrichshain
Omg Sunday! Feeling rough? Laugh the pain away. Feel things! Together we'll combat the comedown. Bursting with rejuvinated Sunday energy? Celebrate humanity with comedy! Always wanted to try standup? Got nothing left to lose? Then get over here! At the early show on Sunday at The Wall Comedy Club, we got what you neeeeed. Get…
After Party Comedy: Standup in English Sundays 6pm at The Wall
After Party Comedy: Standup in English Sundays 6pm at The Wall
Cure the comedown and celebrate humanity with 1 hour of standup comedy in English by local legends, rising stars and seasoned pros. At the early show on Sunday at The Wall Comedy, we got what you neeeeed. Get loose for a tight hour of distraction, vulnerability, togetherness and joy. ** NO SHOW 22.12 AND 29.12**…