2 events found.
stand-up comedy
English stand-up: New Girl in Berlin
Sisyfass Wildenbruchstr. 7, Berlin!! The MOST hilarious girls in Berlin! So PLEASE book online to guarantee yourself a fun evening !! Being a new girl in Berlin is hard, but some of us handle it better than others: they go to therapy! Others prefer doing stand-up comedy. This show features a bunch of female comedians from all over…
Pour Up Comedy | English Stand Up Comedy (Berlin)
Tor218 Artlab Torstraße 218, BerlinPrepare to be served the finest comedy concoctions in town at Comedy Pour Up" Our comedic bartenders are ready to mix, shake, and stir up an evening of hilarity that's even better than your favorite cocktail. Show location is at Tor218 Artlab Located in the heart of Mitte. It has a great selection beer, cocktails,…