Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
A Berlin comedy show where Berlin’s top stand up comedians take your suggestions and generate hilarious sets on the spot!
★★★★★ DOORS 10:45 PM SHOW STARTS 11 PM ★★★★★
Finally, something Netflix can’t match! The Darkest Thoughts Comedy Berlin show offers you the audience a chance to get immediate comedy based on any topic you can think of. This interactive comedy show opens with a short and funny conversation with the host about what themes interest you today. Then there is a short break where you get another drink and write down whatever you want us to improvise about in the second part related to the themes we discussed. Then a lineup of the best Berlin comedians will come in and improvise standup comedy on the spot with your notes! It’s gonna be funny, interesting comedy show generated straight from your thoughts!
This is a donation-based show (Recommended donation 10-15 Euro) so entry is free but we recommend you reserve your seat as seating is limited (reservations valid until 15 minutes before the show starts.)
So reserve now and let the Darkest Thoughts Comedy show pluck some funny directly from your mind!
Bang! Bang! Now in its seventh year of hilarity, Revolver is Berlin’s famous English comedy show that takes place at Wows.ville, a punk rock bar located in the Kreuzberg area.
Join us on the second and last Friday of the month for a night of laughter with six to eight comedians in a hit-or-miss situation. Revolver features funny people from all over planet Earth under a record shop. The show is hosted by Berlin’s favourite immigrant ~ Rohit Bhatia.
Entry : 10 €. The bar and the event is Cash only. No plastic. No smoking during the performances. Nice people only!
Please do not transfer money over the internet. We do not sell tickets online, only reservations are taken. These reservations are held till 8.45 pm on the day of the show.
Comedians who wish to perform should not be double booked
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
“No half-thruths, just naked minds”
Welcome to the comedy show where you can see unfiltered comedians speak their thruth. Their topics can range from their last sexual encounter to why they hate chickens and how to win a fight with a chesse sandwich.
So expect any kind of material from clean to the very dark.
Each comedian will have between 5-10 minutes to make you laugh.
The show is located in a beautiful gritty bar in Neukölln. The seats are limited, so the early bird catches the worm!
Doors: 20:00
Show: 20:30
Get your free reservation now & donate 10-15€ at the door before the event ❤️
*Reservations are only kept until 20:15, so please arrive before that for assured seating.
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
“No half-thruths, just naked minds”
Welcome to the comedy show where you can see unfiltered comedians speak their thruth. Their topics can range from their last sexual encounter to why they hate chickens and how to win a fight with a chesse sandwich.
So expect any kind of material from clean to the very dark.
Each comedian will have between 5-10 minutes to make you laugh.
The show is located in a beautiful gritty bar in Neukölln. The seats are limited, so the early bird catches the worm!
Doors: 20:00
Show: 20:30
Get your free reservation now & donate 10-15€ at the door before the event ❤️
*Reservations are only kept until 20:15, so please arrive before that for assured seating.
A Berlin comedy show where Berlin’s top stand up comedians take your suggestions and generate hilarious sets on the spot!
★★★★★ DOORS 10:45 PM SHOW STARTS 11 PM ★★★★★
Finally, something Netflix can’t match! The Darkest Thoughts Comedy Berlin show offers you the audience a chance to get immediate comedy based on any topic you can think of. This interactive comedy show opens with a short and funny conversation with the host about what themes interest you today. Then there is a short break where you get another drink and write down whatever you want us to improvise about in the second part related to the themes we discussed. Then a lineup of the best Berlin comedians will come in and improvise standup comedy on the spot with your notes! It’s gonna be funny, interesting comedy show generated straight from your thoughts!
This is a donation-based show (Recommended donation 10-15 Euro) so entry is free but we recommend you reserve your seat as seating is limited (reservations valid until 15 minutes before the show starts.)
So reserve now and let the Darkest Thoughts Comedy show pluck some funny directly from your mind!
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
“No half-thruths, just naked minds”
Welcome to the comedy show where you can see unfiltered comedians speak their thruth. Their topics can range from their last sexual encounter to why they hate chickens and how to win a fight with a chesse sandwich.
So expect any kind of material from clean to the very dark.
Each comedian will have between 5-10 minutes to make you laugh.
The show is located in a beautiful gritty bar in Neukölln. The seats are limited, so the early bird catches the worm!
Doors: 20:00
Show: 20:30
Get your free reservation now & donate 10-15€ at the door before the event ❤️
*Reservations are only kept until 20:15, so please arrive before that for assured seating.