Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black American resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
This in-person event , not a free show; however, Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €8-10). 1.00 euro is for Reserving your seat… promises to be a night full of laughter and good vibes.
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people! Not for the faint of heart – only the most vile, twisted and demented comedy will be seen!
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people!
It’s a dark and twisted show by demented people (us) for screwed up people (you)!
– non-smoking venue
– HAPPY HOUR from 7.30pm with discounted drinks!
– trigger warning – we are trying stuff out so it might get sloppy
– tickets are 3€ up front, you pay the rest at the door (cash or via card)
– FREE SHOTS at the bar
– show starts 8.30pm
Do you enjoy dark jokes!?
Is your sense of humour slightly twisted then this one is for you!
The Dark Comedy is OPEN MIC is an English Comedy Show
– meant to help comedians test out their more twisted / darker material.
– we expect that you are not easily offended if you decide to come to this show
– Berlin is the most active comedy scene in continental Europe and it caters to all types of humour including dark!
– The show will feature 6 comedians trying out tested and new jokes to hone them to the point where they really shock
Tickets are:
13€ – What is wrong with me Ticket – you can save yourself a seat by paying 3€ up front and then 10€ at the door
11€ – What is wrong with my friends Ticket – you pay 2€ up front and only 8€ at the door if you are 4 or more people
19€ at the door (if we have seats left)
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟖𝐩𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 😍 #𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 😃
Buzzing with laughs & good vibes every Friday night !
Laughing makes us happy, healthy & beautiful … and we have amazing talent in town to make you laugh out loud. You will see acts bring thier best jokes for a Friday night show in Mitte. To add to the adventure, the show combines Stand up comedy with a thrilling comedy game show.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞:
Bar Opens: 7:00pm
Show Starts: 8:00pm
Break: 9:00pm
Show Ends: 10:00 pm
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬:
This is a ticketed show. Ticket prices are 12 euros at the door. Make ticket reservations online to get a discount.
𝐎𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲:
The gallery is currently featuring the famous cartoonist – Rudi Hurzlmeier, whose exhibits are seen at EU Parliament in Strasbourg. The venue serves variety of cocktails and beers to set the vibe.
The show will be recorded and show reels/pictures may be used for marketing purposes.
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black American resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
This in-person event , not a free show; however, Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €8-10). 1.00 euro is for Reserving your seat… promises to be a night full of laughter and good vibes.
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people! Not for the faint of heart – only the most vile, twisted and demented comedy will be seen!
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people!
It’s a dark and twisted show by demented people (us) for screwed up people (you)!
– non-smoking venue
– HAPPY HOUR from 7.30pm with discounted drinks!
– trigger warning – we are trying stuff out so it might get sloppy
– tickets are 3€ up front, you pay the rest at the door (cash or via card)
– FREE SHOTS at the bar
– show starts 8.30pm
Do you enjoy dark jokes!?
Is your sense of humour slightly twisted then this one is for you!
The Dark Comedy is OPEN MIC is an English Comedy Show
– meant to help comedians test out their more twisted / darker material.
– we expect that you are not easily offended if you decide to come to this show
– Berlin is the most active comedy scene in continental Europe and it caters to all types of humour including dark!
– The show will feature 6 comedians trying out tested and new jokes to hone them to the point where they really shock
Tickets are:
13€ – What is wrong with me Ticket – you can save yourself a seat by paying 3€ up front and then 10€ at the door
11€ – What is wrong with my friends Ticket – you pay 2€ up front and only 8€ at the door if you are 4 or more people
19€ at the door (if we have seats left)
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black American resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
This in-person event , not a free show; however, Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €8-10). 1.00 euro is for Reserving your seat… promises to be a night full of laughter and good vibes.
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people! Not for the faint of heart – only the most vile, twisted and demented comedy will be seen!
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people!
It’s a dark and twisted show by demented people (us) for screwed up people (you)!
– non-smoking venue
– HAPPY HOUR from 7.30pm with discounted drinks!
– trigger warning – we are trying stuff out so it might get sloppy
– tickets are 3€ up front, you pay the rest at the door (cash or via card)
– FREE SHOTS at the bar
– show starts 8.30pm
Do you enjoy dark jokes!?
Is your sense of humour slightly twisted then this one is for you!
The Dark Comedy is OPEN MIC is an English Comedy Show
– meant to help comedians test out their more twisted / darker material.
– we expect that you are not easily offended if you decide to come to this show
– Berlin is the most active comedy scene in continental Europe and it caters to all types of humour including dark!
– The show will feature 6 comedians trying out tested and new jokes to hone them to the point where they really shock
Tickets are:
13€ – What is wrong with me Ticket – you can save yourself a seat by paying 3€ up front and then 10€ at the door
11€ – What is wrong with my friends Ticket – you pay 2€ up front and only 8€ at the door if you are 4 or more people
19€ at the door (if we have seats left)
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black American resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
This in-person event , not a free show; however, Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €8-10). 1.00 euro is for Reserving your seat… promises to be a night full of laughter and good vibes.
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people! Not for the faint of heart – only the most vile, twisted and demented comedy will be seen!
A place for dark comedy and dark humour people!
It’s a dark and twisted show by demented people (us) for screwed up people (you)!
– non-smoking venue
– HAPPY HOUR from 7.30pm with discounted drinks!
– trigger warning – we are trying stuff out so it might get sloppy
– tickets are 3€ up front, you pay the rest at the door (cash or via card)
– FREE SHOTS at the bar
– show starts 8.30pm
Do you enjoy dark jokes!?
Is your sense of humour slightly twisted then this one is for you!
The Dark Comedy is OPEN MIC is an English Comedy Show
– meant to help comedians test out their more twisted / darker material.
– we expect that you are not easily offended if you decide to come to this show
– Berlin is the most active comedy scene in continental Europe and it caters to all types of humour including dark!
– The show will feature 6 comedians trying out tested and new jokes to hone them to the point where they really shock
Tickets are:
13€ – What is wrong with me Ticket – you can save yourself a seat by paying 3€ up front and then 10€ at the door
11€ – What is wrong with my friends Ticket – you pay 2€ up front and only 8€ at the door if you are 4 or more people
19€ at the door (if we have seats left)
Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black American resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as comedic fodder. But Moe doesn’t go solo; he’s joined by other equally hilarious comedians from different backgrounds, also navigating the intriguing intricacies of life in Berlin. Together, they paint a hilarious and heartwarming picture of a city that’s as colorful as it is black.
This in-person event , not a free show; however, Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €8-10). 1.00 euro is for Reserving your seat… promises to be a night full of laughter and good vibes.