Prenzlauer Berg
Black In Berlin
Kiki Sol Reinickendorfer Str. 96, Wedding, Berlin, DEBlack in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black – all serve as…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
Spiritual Advice For Dummies – An English comedy in Berlin event.
Z Bar Bergstrasse 2, 10115 Berlin, Germany, Berlin, DEFinally the world famous Magdalena the fortune teller has come to Berlin to solve your problems. In this once in a lifetime comedy show, Magdalena will predict the future, summon the spirits, open your mind and send you home to rethink your life choices. Described by many as a kind of show they have never…
Saying the Wrong Thing: An English Comedy Hour in Berlin
kohlenquelle kopenhagener Kopenhagener Straße 16, Berlin, Germany★★★ DOORS 8PM SHOW 8:30★★★ ★★★COMEDY IN ENGLISH★★★ Saying the Wrong Thing is a Berlin comedy in English event designed to give comedians exactly what they need to create great comedy: namely, the freedom to fuck it up! At Saying the Wrong Thing, experienced comics will try new or old material but always with the…
NORDIC NONSENSE – Stand Up Comedy in English
The middle of the week is no longer as blue as it used to be - or at least it doesn't have to! Nordic Nonsense is a show run by two hilarious, Berlin-local Swedes that invite you every week for side splitting laughter and tasty drinks to get you through the rest of the week!…
Naked Dirty Minds Comedy Open Mic
Tor218 Artlab Torstraße 218, Berlin"No half-thruths, just naked minds” Welcome to the comedy show where you can see unfiltered comedians speak their thruth. Their topics can range from their last sexual encounter to why they hate chickens and how to win a fight with a chesse sandwich. So expect any kind of material from clean to the very dark.…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
Black In Berlin
Kiki Sol Reinickendorfer Str. 96, Wedding, Berlin, DENO SHOW ON AUG 1ST AND AUG 8TH Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
That’s What She Said – Female Comedy Night
kohlenquelle kopenhagener Kopenhagener Straße 16, Berlin, GermanyThat’s What She Said is a monthly celebration of all wild, feisty, funny female comics! Join us for a fierce evening of English stand-up comedy every last Saturday of the month. Together, we can change the world - one laugh at a time! Every month a different exciting handpicked line-up of the funniest and most…
The Green Show at Poropati Bar Neukölln
Poropati Weserstrasse 79, Berlin, GermanyFinally a comedy show for all broccoli lovers in a smokers' bar! THE GREEN SHOW What you get is what you want - guaranteed by our sponsors and on top of that - the best comedians in Berlin! What else can you wish for? That's right: Nothing, it's a dream come true! When? 14. of…
Saying the Wrong Thing: An English Comedy Hour in Berlin
kohlenquelle kopenhagener Kopenhagener Straße 16, Berlin, Germany★★★ DOORS 8PM SHOW 8:30★★★ ★★★COMEDY IN ENGLISH★★★ Saying the Wrong Thing is a Berlin comedy in English event designed to give comedians exactly what they need to create great comedy: namely, the freedom to fuck it up! At Saying the Wrong Thing, experienced comics will try new or old material but always with the…
NORDIC NONSENSE – Stand Up Comedy in English
The middle of the week is no longer as blue as it used to be - or at least it doesn't have to! Nordic Nonsense is a show run by two hilarious, Berlin-local Swedes that invite you every week for side splitting laughter and tasty drinks to get you through the rest of the week!…
Naked Dirty Minds Comedy Open Mic
Tor218 Artlab Torstraße 218, Berlin"No half-thruths, just naked minds” Welcome to the comedy show where you can see unfiltered comedians speak their thruth. Their topics can range from their last sexual encounter to why they hate chickens and how to win a fight with a chesse sandwich. So expect any kind of material from clean to the very dark.…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…
Berlin Comedy Dating Game Show (Prenzlauerberg)
maerz Greifenhagener Str. 17, BerlinBerlin's first and only comedy dating game show where your friends help you get a date with other single people in the audience! Berlin's 1st & only dating game show is back by popular demand! 💞 💘 HOW IT WORKS: If you're single & your friend is always bragging how they can find you the…
Black In Berlin
Kiki Sol Reinickendorfer Str. 96, Wedding, Berlin, DENO SHOW AUG 8TH Black in Berlin” is a captivating comedy show produced by the charismatic Moe Singleton. With humor as diverse as the city itself, Moe, a black resident of Berlin, effortlessly weaves his unique perspective into the fabric of this vibrant city. Berlin’s nightlife, culture, and even the city’s iconic color – black…
Comedy, Pizza and Shots @cosmiccomedyberlin
Cosmic Comedy Berlin Schönhauser Allee 184,, Berlin, Mitte, GermanyFind one of the longest running English speaking comedy clubs in the German capital in Berlin-Mitte / Prenzlauer Berg. Indulge in a fantastic evening with English stand-up comedy, pizza and shots! Cosmic Comedy Berlin is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s Open-Mic night on Thursdays! Professional and new comics give it ago to make…